coldplay quotes

coldplay quotes

Kumpulan 10+ kutipan terbaik dari band rock asal Inggris, Coldplay, yang mencakup topik seperti cinta, patah hati, keajaiban, dan putus. Kutipan tersebut diambil dari lagu mereka, seperti Fix You, Magic, dan Yellow, dan diberi tag dengan kata kunci dan sumbernya. Artikel ini akan memberikan inspirasi kata-kata dari Coldplay, salah satu band rock terbaik abad ke-21, yang dapat memotivasi dan menginspirasi pembaca tentang hidup, cinta, kreativitas, dan lain-lain. Berikut adalah beberapa kutipan terbaik dari Coldplay: 1. "Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you." - from "Fix You" 2. "Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard." - from "The Scientist" 3. "Cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars, I think I see you." - from "A Sky Full of Stars" 4. "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do, yeah, they were all yellow." - from "Yellow" 5. "I don't want to battle from beginning to end, I don't want a cycle of recycled revenge, I don't want to follow Death and all of his friends." - from "Death and All His Friends" 6. "And the hardest part was letting go, not taking part. You really broke my heart." - from "The Hardest Part" 7. "But now they only block the sun, they rain and snow on everyone. So, so many things I could have done, but clouds got in my way." - from "Lost!" 8. "You use your heart as a weapon, and it hurts like heaven." - from "Hurts Like Heaven" 9. "I think we're going to need a miracle to save us from ourselves." - from "A L I E N S" 10. "And in your place, an empty space where you used to talk to me." - from "Warning Sign" 11. "In the darkness before the dawn, in the swirling of this storm, when I'm rolling with the punches and hope is gone, leave a light, a light on." - from "Everglow" Coldplay telah memberikan banyak inspirasi dengan lirik mereka, dan kutipan-kutipan di atas adalah contoh indah dari kecerdasan dan kebijaksanaan mereka. Semoga artikel ini menginspirasi Anda untuk menemukan makna dan motivasi dalam kehidupan Anda sendiri.